Thursday, September 18, 2008

things in japan that i like

i like japanese noise bands. the boredoms are my favorite. actually, i'm not sure they qualify as noise, but they are still awesome and i still otherwise like noise.
here is a link:

the boredoms also did this performance in dumbo in new york with 77 drummers. rad:

i also really like this band called number girl. they are not noise, but they do a lot with distortion, which i like. i discovered them watching tv really late at night at my friend's house in tokyo in the summer of 2000. then i made her figure out who they were and how i could get my hands on them. the only thing i knew about them was that they were called, or had a song, or had an album named, 鉄風, which means something to me because i can speak chinese (sort of). 鉄風 turned out to be the name of a single and an ep. and i think i lost it but still have the mp3 on my computere and still love it. i sort of wish i'd started learning japanese then... but i didn't. number girl are no longer together, which is a little sad, but oh well. but the song that started my whole love for them is on youtubem, and apparently the title is more than i thought it was originally, it's 鉄風、鋭くなって. apparently the means, "Iron Wind, the sharp", according to google translate. i agree with the iron wind part because i know those kanji but still, that doesn't make sense. i guess that's why i have to learn にほんご。

i also like some japanese pop music. i think japanese pop music, unlike chinese, has this unmistakable sound that prevents it from sounding purely derivative, which is the sad fate of chinese pop music. i especially like this woman chara, who i guess is kind of huge in japan, but still seems kind of quirky. she was in this movie called "swallowtail butterfly" that i also like, even though it's not a great movie.

but better is this:

and finally, i saw this the other day. and it's hilarious:
japanese allows one to be post-ironic in all the best ways. i don't even know if that word caught on in acadamese, but i used it all the time in college 10 years ago and i still think it has currency.

there's actually a lot more from japan that i like, but i have other things to do. and also, this basically reminds me that everything i love in japan is a testament to my past, how old i am, and with how little i've kept up with cool stuff; and that makes me depressed.


suzieeee said...


This totally should be left under the previous post, but I'm leaving it on the most recent so you can find it easier.

I agree that technology should've come up with something by now so learning Japanese wouldn't be so time-consuming or difficult. lol

I also enjoy Japanese music, although I'm not as familiar with it as you seem to be.

And I think it's totally cool that you're required to take Japanese for three years. I'm guessing you think so, too, from your blog...


Ryan Martin said...

For my next post I will investigate the future of language coded brain chips and whether they will be produced in my lifetime. Surely there's something more efficient than class.

Stacy said...

I like muscat gummies and Acid Mothers Temple, but I'm not too sure about
. I think my blog might turn into a "questionable Japanese trends" database.